Governor of Jeddah briefed on activities and publications of Prince Mishal Bin Majed Chair for Business Cover-up

 Prince Mishal Bin Majed, Governor of Jeddah, was briefed by Prof Osama S. Tayyeb, KAU President, on the activities and publications of the KAU-based Mishal Bin Majed Chair for Business Cover-up (Tasatur Tijari) Studies.

The briefing was attended by Dr Ahmed Nagadi, Vice President for Business and Knowledge Creativity, Dr Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, Dean of the KAU Research and Consulting Institute (RACI), Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration and Dr Prof Abdulaziz Diyab, the chair's professor.

The chair is dedicated to conduct research on the economic and social impact of Tasatur (providing cover for expatriates to illegally run their own business activities) on the Saudi society and ways to combat the phenomenon.

Prince Mishal seized the opportunity to praise the work done so far to tackle the issue of cover-up businesses run by foreign workers in the name of their sponsors. 


Last Update
1/26/2015 8:43:48 AM

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