معهد البحوث و <a href="http://raci.kau.edu.sa/Pages-ar-advice.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank">الاستشارات</a>

the Institute's objectives


  1. Working as a center for exchanging consultations between different sectors and institutions in the community.
  2. Promoting the university's research, consultation and supervision expertise.
  3. Enhancing the kingdom’s service and industrial sectors' ability to improve through our research studies and consultation.
  4. Consolidating cooperation between the university, on the one hand, and public and private sectors, on the other, in consultations and research studies as well as their supervision.
  5. Facilitating scientific research in its different types as well as its applications through public and private sectors’ funding.
  6. Providing new funding sources through research projects based on principal programs such as the Scientific Chairs Program

Last Update
12/29/2019 11:19:33 AM